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<p>Anstatt entlassen zu werden oder sich auf dem Free Agent Markt nach einem neuen Team umzuschauen, beendet Troy Polamalu nach 12 Jahren seine NFL Karriere. Der langjährige Star der Pittsburgh Steelers erklärte's Jim Wexell wieso er nichtmehr spielen will:</p> <blockquote> <p>I did not seriously consider playing elsewhere. It was just whether or not I wanted to play. I had talked to a lot of people about what I should do with my situation, and what they kept saying back to me, and which was not a sufficient reason, was 'Troy, you played 12 years in the NFL, you won Super Bowls, won individual awards. There's nothing left to prove. You have a legacy.' And I just kept saying, 'First of all, I don't care about a legacy. Second of all, I play the game because I enjoy it.' That's the reason to keep playing.</p> </blockquote> <p>Polamalu, 33, soll den General Manager der Steelers angerufen haben um von seinem Rückzug Bescheid zu sagen. Dieser Schritt sorgte für viel Aufmerksamkeit in der NFL:</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="de"> <p>Steelers make it official, announcing that safety Troy Polamalu has retired.</p> — Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) <a href="">10. April 2015</a></blockquote> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="de"> <p>Troy Polamalu was one of those players who was so good that you couldn’t imagine him doing anything else besides playing football.</p> — Bill Barnwell (@billbarnwell) <a href="">10. April 2015</a></blockquote> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="de"> <p>Polamalu made life a lot easier for him and the <a href="">#Steelers</a> by retiring instead of forcing a cut. Near-lock for HOF, but it was time</p> — Ben Volin (@BenVolin) <a href="">10. April 2015</a></blockquote> <p>WR Andrew Hawkins von den Cleveland Browns postete zu Polamalu's Ehren sogar ein Video von sich auf dem Spielfeld, in welchem er von diesem getackled wird.</p> <a class="embedly-card" data-card-analytics="1" data-card-chrome="0" href=""> But in all seriousness, it was an honor, privilege, and dream come true to be able to step on the same field as @tpolamalu. Growing in Johnstown, Pa, I had the opportunity to watch him play since I was in high school, and he's always been a man & player of integrity & an incredible example for young players like myself. Congratulations on an unbelievable career! And best of luck in the future!</a> <script async src="//" charset="UTF-8"></script>

Troy Polamalu beendet nach 12 Jahren Karriere

Anstatt entlassen zu werden oder sich auf dem Free Agent Markt nach einem neuen Team umzuschauen, beendet Troy Polamalu nach 12 Jahren seine NFL Karriere. Der langjährige Star der Pittsburgh Steelers erklärte’s Jim Wexell wieso er nichtmehr spielen will:

I did not seriously consider playing elsewhere. It was just whether or not I wanted to play. I had talked to a lot of people about what I should do with my situation, and what they kept saying back to me, and which was not a sufficient reason, was ‘Troy, you played 12 years in the NFL, you won Super Bowls, won individual awards. There’s nothing left to prove. You have a legacy.’ And I just kept saying, ‘First of all, I don’t care about a legacy. Second of all, I play the game because I enjoy it.’ That’s the reason to keep playing.

Polamalu, 33, soll den General Manager der Steelers angerufen haben um von seinem Rückzug Bescheid zu sagen. Dieser Schritt sorgte für viel Aufmerksamkeit in der NFL:

WR Andrew Hawkins von den Cleveland Browns postete zu Polamalu’s Ehren sogar ein Video von sich auf dem Spielfeld, in welchem er von diesem getackled wird.

But in all seriousness, it was an honor, privilege, and dream come true to be able to step on the same field as @tpolamalu. Growing in Johnstown, Pa, I had the opportunity to watch him play since I was in high school, and he’s always been a man & player of integrity & an incredible example for young players like myself. Congratulations on an unbelievable career! And best of luck in the future!

Lesezeit: 2 min

Anstatt entlassen zu werden oder sich auf dem Free Agent Markt nach einem neuen Team umzuschauen, beendet Troy Polamalu nach 12 Jahren seine NFL Karriere. Der langjährige Star der Pittsburgh Steelers erklärte's Jim Wexell wieso er nichtmehr spielen will:

I did not seriously consider playing elsewhere. It was just whether or not I wanted to play. I had talked to a lot of people about what I should do with my situation, and what they kept saying back to me, and which was not a sufficient reason, was ‘Troy, you played 12 years in the NFL, you won Super Bowls, won individual . There's nothing left to prove. You have a legacy.' And I just kept saying, ‘First of all, I don't care about a legacy. Second of all, I play the game because I enjoy it.' That's the reason to keep playing.

Polamalu, 33, soll den General Manager der Steelers angerufen haben um von seinem Rückzug Bescheid zu sagen. Dieser Schritt sorgte für viel Aufmerksamkeit in der NFL:

WR Andrew Hawkins von den Cleveland postete zu Polamalu's Ehren sogar ein Video von sich auf dem Spielfeld, in welchem er von diesem getackled wird.

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But in all seriousness, it was an honor, privilege, and dream come true to be able to step on the same field as @tpolamalu. Growing in Johnstown, Pa, I had the opportunity to watch him play since I was in high school, and he's always been a man & player of integrity & an incredible example for young players like myself. Congratulations on an unbelievable career! And best of luck in the future!

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Alexander R. Haidmayer ist ein angesehener Experte im Bereich Football und Gründer von FootballR, einer führenden Plattform für Footballnachrichten. Seit 2013 ist er mit Leidenschaft und Fachwissen in der Welt des Footballs tätig und hat sich einen Namen als Experte auf diesem Gebiet gemacht.

Neben seiner Rolle als Gründer und Eigentümer von FootballR ist Alexander R. Haidmayer seit 2006 auch als Mitarbeiter bei der renommierten Kleinen Zeitung tätig. Diese langjährige Erfahrung ermöglicht es ihm, fundierte Einblicke und exklusive Informationen aus der Footballwelt zu liefern.

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